Obchodní snídaně 28.10.2022

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Senior Dynamics NAV/BC Developer

Máte seniorní znalosti s programováním a vývojem v oblasti ERP?

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We will help you optimize your business processes. We will be happy to advise you on the digitization of the company, the deployment of Microsoft 365 and cloud services.


Tyto a mnoho dalších firem využívají naše služby, aby byly konkurenceschopné a poskytly svým zákazníkům lepší služby.



5 Tips for a smooth cross-docking process

5 Tips for a smooth cross-docking process

The process of cross docking mostly does not focus on which specific article is received. In the end, it doesn’t matter if article X or Y is on pallet A. What does matter is to know which pallet has been received, where it needs to be taken and when it needs to be loaded again..

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3 areas of attention for a safe warehouse

3 areas of attention for a safe warehouse

You undoubtfully know them: videos in which forklift drivers hit a rack, which leads to everything falling over like dominoes. Resulting in many valuable goods that you lose. Despites your stock, if...

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How to reduce the chance of being hacked

How to reduce the chance of being hacked

Ransomware, DDoS útoky, úniky dat: bohužel žijeme v době, ve které se stále častěji potýkáme s kyberkriminalitou. Před několika lety již docházelo k hackerskému útoku každých 39 sekund a toto číslo...

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