
5 Tips for a smooth cross-docking process

5 Tips for a smooth cross-docking process

The process of cross docking mostly does not focus on which specific article is received. In the end, it doesn’t matter if article X or Y is on pallet A. What does matter is to know which pallet has been received, where it needs to be taken and when it needs to be loaded again..

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3 areas of attention for a safe warehouse

3 areas of attention for a safe warehouse

You undoubtfully know them: videos in which forklift drivers hit a rack, which leads to everything falling over like dominoes. Resulting in many valuable goods that you lose. Despites your stock, if...

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How to reduce the chance of being hacked

How to reduce the chance of being hacked

Ransomware, DDoS útoky, úniky dat: bohužel žijeme v době, ve které se stále častěji potýkáme s kyberkriminalitou. Před několika lety již docházelo k hackerskému útoku každých 39 sekund a toto číslo...

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Get on board the E-FULFILLMENT express

Get on board the E-FULFILLMENT express

In the world of transport, the past year has undoubtedly been one of the most frequently mentioned among logistics service providers and one of the most memorable for a long time. The number of...

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Easy and fast data import

Easy and fast data import

As a logistics service provider, no one knows better than you how challenging it can be to achieve the best result for your customer while working with the small margins in the sector. While you are...

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10 skills for your success

10 skills for your success

The majority of companies are now aware of the importance of quality data and their detailed analysis. If we talk about the logistics industry, then logistics service providers who use data wisely...

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