Successful revalidation of international ISO certificates

Not only Microsoft Gold Certified Partner certification makes us the right business partner!


Because the competitive environment is constantly evolving and customers are giving ever higher importance to the quality of products and services, NAVERTICA is not lagging behind.

ISO certificates are for our customers and us with an essential certificate of quality. As a company, we can deliver a product or service that meets clients’ expectations, which is also in line with the relevant requirements of international legislation.

We have entrusted this essential task to the well-known certification company LL-C (Certification), the Czech Republic a.s. Company LL-C has verified and certified that NAVERTICA is a company meeting the requirements of quality management systems, IT services, and information security according to standards:


We at NAVERTICA believe that a properly implemented quality management system not only reflects the company’s needs but also defines possible risks, enables their prevention, and subsequently streamlines the management of internal company processes without being overloaded by bureaucracy.

We will be happy to become your professional advisor to help you improve your results!

More information about our business partnerships and certifications.

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