5 Tips for a smooth cross-docking process “Has pallet A left for customer X?”, “Customer B claims to have received one pallet too little, where did it go?”, “We need to load one more pallet, where is it?”. Cross docking seems an everlasting battle between speed and...
3 areas of attention for a safe warehouse You undoubtfully know them: videos in which forklift drivers hit a rack, which leads to everything falling over like dominoes. Resulting in many valuable goods that you lose. Despites your stock, if anything falls, chances are...
How to reduce the chance of being hacked Ransomware, DDoS útoky, úniky dat: bohužel žijeme v době, ve které se stále častěji potýkáme s kyberkriminalitou. Před několika lety již docházelo k hackerskému útoku každých 39 sekund a toto číslo od té doby jen rostlo. I když...
Get on board the E-FULFILLMENT express In the world of transport, the past year has undoubtedly been one of the most frequently mentioned among logistics service providers and one of the most memorable for a long time. The number of online orders has risen sharply in...
To the cloud: doing more with less. Flexible, safe & 24/7 available The world is going through unprecedented change. Historically, economically, and technologically. But besides all the uncertainties, one thing is certain: organizations worldwide focus...