We would like to share our experience with you on how to properly integrate TMS solutions into our daily business and give you 5 tips on what to do and what not to do when using a new TMS (Transport Management System) solution.
Ready to improve your business?
1. Be ambitious but moderate
Ensure that the project is phased correctly. First of all, start implementing only the most necessary modules and those from which you will have tangible benefits in the foreseable future. The limited range of modules and the resulting functional horizons will allow greater clarity in the management of the implementation project.
Ask yourself, “Are we focusing on the things we need right now, or that might be useful?” Parts of the solution that have an interesting character but are not necessary can always be added during the next stage or the optimization process.
2. Prioritize and avoid multi-tasking
One of the most important things you need to do to minimize delays and reduce the time until the project is completed is to limit multi-tasking. Your new TMS solution helps you easily prioritize issues that need to be addressed, which is the right way to eliminate multi-tasking. By filtering tasks that have priority, you can fully focus on what’s important to you, saving your time and energy.
3. Don’t underestimate the importance of the right data
Do you want your implementation to succeed and minimize errors? Then make sure that the parameter settings and values that control this setting are correct at the beginning of the implementation. After all, data collection will allow for a better understanding of managed processes after their interpretation, which is why it is so important to ensure that your business has access to the most accurate data possible – otherwise you could make key decisions based on incorrect information.
4. Customize fields and dashboards to match your company’s data
It should be stressed that it is necessary to sacrifice the time and cost of customizing application fields to suit the correct way of entering and tracking data. The more efficient the customizing process, the greater the benefit for your business. These customizations and the use of appropriate tracking methods result in greater ease of use for the entire application.
5. No optimization or maintenance after commissioning
Once you’ve invested both time and money in the implementation project for your new TMS, your priorities may move to other projects. Make sure you can take full advantage of your new TMS solution, even after 2, 3 or 5 years, and make sure your software vendor provides you with the latest innovations through regular updates.
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