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Para-badminton Sharks Brno – we are here for you!The season has started! The Sharks Para-badminton team from Brno has left for the spanish city of Cartagena to fight for glory . Organized by BWF Badminton World Federation, the Spanish Para Badminton International 2021 is happening this week from 11.5. till 16.5. We are going to hold our breath as we watch one of the players, our marketing expert, Lukáš Kyncl.
On Wednesday 4th of May, the CEO of NAVERTICA Martin Ingr, ceremonially presented a financial donation to the team representative of Sharks Brno. The funding aims to develop and support players as they follow their sports objectives. Sharks are full of energy and enthusiasm which is a big inspiration for NAVERTICA. We wish the whole team good luck and we are looking forward to hearing about your sports experiences.
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